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Coaches Register Here
Every season we struggle to find volunteers. Please help us make this season the first season we enter the draft without a coach for a team.
Time Commitment:
1hr per week for practice (younger age groups are shorter)
1 hr per week for games (6-8 weeks a season)
If you have questions please reach out to the Board Members.
Established in 1978 by a collection of parents and their children's love for the game of soccer, sixteen players started their Saturday's with small-sided games on the grounds of the Pulaski Recreation Center, while the majority of their seasons consisted of trips to Columbia, TN to compete in full-sided (11v11) matches against greater competition.
Since, the Giles County Soccer League (GCSL) has grown to support over 300 children in each of the Fall and Spring seasons, while including many indoor futsal tournaments for anyone that wishes to continue their passion for the game throughout the winter months.
GCSL strives to provide a positive and safe environment to the youth of Giles County.
Our goals are:
• To develop every player to the best of their ability.
• To develop every player with an outstanding character and sportsmanship.
• To instill passion for the game of soccer.
• To enjoy the game of soccer.
Start with our Frequently Asked Questions about playing with Giles County Soccer League.
GCSL follows birth-year age groups as mandated by USSF. Click to see what age group your child will play in this season.
GCSL offers more than just a seasonal soccer league. Learn more about our programs including camps & tournaments.